Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Irrigation projects

We've had our share of irrigation projects this year, with an average of 3 heads per week that need to be dug up and cleaned out or repaired.  The beauty of the river is having access to water, the downside is all the debris that gets into the lines and ultimately causes problems with our irrigation heads.  It is not uncommon for us to get here in the morning and find a head that is stuck on due to debris clogging the valve.

Evan is digging up a head on 18 that was stuck on this morning, 2nd one this week. 

Wayne and Evan replaced a large valve on #11 today.  The original valve was worn out, we were having troubles turning off the fairway when needed.

Some of you may have noticed this line across #2 tee, near the blue markers.

Any guesses to the cause?
The answer tomorrow