Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Minimizing the damage

From a distance, the golf course looks good out there - nice and green.  As you drive around, you start to notice how wet it really is.  Today, most of our activities were about minimizing the damage done by the recent weather.

We had guys squeegeeing off fairways all day, keeping the puddle off the fairways.  If water sits too long on hot days like this, the turf will die.

We aerified all the greens, opening up air channels to help the roots get much needed air.

We started spiking fairways, again - getting air to the roots.

When it rains like it did last night, and as puddles form, grass clipping congregate around the puddles.  As the puddle recedes, it leaves a pile of clippings.  If left on the fairway too long, this will also kill grass.  We went to each fairway to clean up these piles.

We made a timely fungicide application to the greens to help combat the the things we don't want to see around here.  With this hot and humid weather, an outbreak can easily occur.

Believe it or not, we actually mowed some of the wettest fairways today.  Some of these fairways have not been mowed since Friday.  All the fairways were supposed to be mowed Monday morning, but with the rain, we were only able to mow the drier ones.  If more rain comes tonight, we might not be able to mow the rest of them until Saturday.  By that time the fairways will be 3" long.  We are doing the lesser of 2 evils and mowing them today.  It is no doubt leaving a mess, but it is nothing that can't get washed away.
After a rain like this, I would like nothing more than to send my guys home and keep all traffic off the course.  But with the heat and humidity we have no choice than to make a few mud tracks and minimize the damage.