Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Grounds update

I recorded sparse rain from the end of April through the middle of May, we were getting fairly dry.  This all ended this past weekend as we received almost 3" of rain over three days.  As these fronts move through, they typically bring wind with it, and wind means plenty of sticks and debris.

Phil has been on stick duty most days this past week, keeping the course clean on a daily basis.

Most of the mulch has been laid and the annuals almost all in the ground, Peggy is now turning her attention to some of the details in the landscape beds around the club.

Jeff and Tim from Blanchard Valley Center finished planting the pots today.  In a few weeks the Grounds Staff will hold a cookout for all the BVC clients that helped us out.  Jeff, pictured above challenged me to a round of golf, winner gets a hat - he's pumped! 

Due to the recent storm activity, we needed to spend some time on our bunkers to get them back in shape.  The crew did a great job today edging, weeding, pickup up stones, and raking the bunkers.

This spring we purchased a much needed bunker rake through our capital budget.  We were able to get a good deal on a used demo.  The updated machine is significantly better than our old rake, increasing our efficiency in this area while also providing a better surface in the bunker.

The finished look of the bunkers today was outstanding, the crew was really proud of the finished product.