- Mowed greens
- Mowed approaches
- Mowed rough
- Mowed green and tee banks
- Fertilized clubhouse lawns and green banks
- Blew off all debris from playing surfaces
- Picked up all the sticks from the last few day's breezes
- Sodded the damaged area on 7 green
- Plugged damaged areas on 5, 16 and 18 greens
- Sprayed weeds on all the tees
- String trimmed all areas around the back of the clubhouse
- Cleaned up debris and leaves from the back of the clubhouse
- Replaced a broken sprinkler head
- Repaired a leaking water valve
- Sharpened the reels on the fairway mower
This morning, Eric started off the day by sodding the damaged area on 7 green. This spot had very little signs of green tissue and would've taken a while to fill in.
On the remainder of the greens, Eric and Adam have been plugging smaller areas to speed up the recovery process. This is quite an undertaking and time consuming process, but it is our current priority. When this project is completed we will shift our resources to repairing all the stump holes on the course, then move on to edging and mulching all the landscape beds.
Yesterday, Eric, Adam and Matt finished sodding the tee on 7.
The new forward tee on 7 turned out great. In the near future, as it dries out, we will roll the tee smooth and topdress out the imperfections. I suspect we will be placing the gold markers up in a few weeks.